Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving- WHOO!

I did it. I threw my money into the capitalism machine (but i did get a discount). I went with two high school guys to watch the latest Harry Potter fare. Interesting. I'm honestly not a big fan. Not that I think it glorifies witchcraft more than C.S. Lewis or Tolkien. It was pretty entertaining. And worth the $5 at any rate.
Tomorrow Amy, the kids and I are driving out to Hugo, OK to have thanksgiving at my new stepmom's house. I'm a little nervous. You see, I haven't met her yet.
So, that should be an eventful visit.
I guess I'll write more about that in the next few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Levi!

i havent had a chance to talk to you in a while, and somehow, i managed to end up at your page!

so anyways - hope everyone is doing good!

talk to ya soon!

--Melissa McCoy