Saturday, June 25, 2005

The future

Tomorrow morning I will announce my resignation at the beginning of the worship service. I've been on staff at the church for almost five years. It's nothing bad or anything, it's just time. Over the past six months or longer Amy and I have talked and prayed about how I could finish my bachelor's degree. And we finally came to conclusion that the best thing for us to do would be to resign from one of my jobs and go to school full time. The hope is that that will limit the amount of time that we will have to struggle financially. When I told the elders they were supportive. They all could see that this was a good move for us as a family, even if it isn't easy or will be misunderstood by the church family.
This fall I'll be pursuing a BA in Philosophy at Southeast Missouri State University while I continue to live here and work part time directing Young Life.
What will this semester be like? Your guess is as good as mine.

One of the youthers heard early from an unnamed source about my coming resignation. He wasn't happy. We talked for about 35 minutes. And that was after he had vented.
Tomorrow will not be easy. For all but 3 months of our marriage we have worshipped and worked in this church. Please pray for us and pray for those hearing, that they would receive it well.

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