Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

I don't know if it is considered bad blog-iquette, but here is my Valentine's Day Tribute to my bride, Amy Nicole (aka Lovey Chicken)

Lovey Chicken,
You know I never was good at Valentine's Day (or anniversaries or birthdays)-- and yet you put up with me. (By the way, you are more beautiful today than our wedding day.)
You have been my best friend since I met you. This year we'll celebrate 7 years of marital bliss. Although I am sure it has been more bliss for me than you. I do not know how you can stand being married to me and my peculiarities.
I'm not complaining, though. I'd be glad to have you for another 70 or 700 years.
Thank for being my best friend, my wife, and my lovey chicken.
I love you more.

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