Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Blogging into ether

I just spent a little while checking the blogs that are supposed to be blogging from the convention this week. It's interesting that a lot of people mention that this is the last convention of its kind. Youthspecialties will no longer plan or be involved in the emergent convention or the national pastors' convention (which is happening simultaneously in the same convention center). Now, this is particularly funny because it has taken me this long to come to an emergent convention. I have been following the emergent/pomo conversation since the last time I came to a YS youth workers' convention here in Nashville. That's when I met with a Spiritual Director and started on a whole new direction.

I'm really excited just to have this time away with Amy and to get reacquainted, but I'm also very excited about experiencing this convention with her.
In a half hour or so we'll go register and get our convention giveaways and cute nametags. Yes!

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